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How to keep giant water bugs away from outdoor lighting

Keep Your Outdoor Lighting Bug-Free: Tips for Repelling Giant Water Bugs

Giant water bugs can be a nuisance when they are attracted to outdoor lighting. Not only are they unsightly, but they can also be harmful to pets and people. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to keep giant water bugs away from your outdoor lighting. Here's how:

Step 1: Turn off the lights
One of the easiest ways to keep giant water bugs away from your outdoor lighting is to turn off the lights. Giant water bugs are attracted to light, so if you turn off the lights, they will be less likely to come around.

Step 2: Use yellow or amber lights
If you need to have outdoor lighting, consider using yellow or amber lights instead of white lights. These lights are less attractive to insects, including giant water bugs.

Step 3: Use bug zappers
Bug zappers are another effective way to keep giant water bugs away from your outdoor lighting. These devices attract insects with light and then electrocute them. Just be sure to place the bug zapper away from areas where people and pets will be.

Step 4: Install screens
If you have outdoor lighting near water sources, such as ponds or lakes, consider installing screens around the lights. This will prevent giant water bugs from getting too close to the lights.

Step 5: Remove standing water
Giant water bugs are attracted to standing water, so if you have any standing water near your outdoor lighting, be sure to remove it. This includes any buckets, flower pots, or other containers that may collect water.

Step 6: Keep the area clean
Giant water bugs are attracted to dirty and cluttered areas. To keep them away from your outdoor lighting, be sure to keep the area clean and free of debris.

By following these steps, you can keep giant water bugs away from your outdoor lighting and enjoy your outdoor space without any unwanted visitors.

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